A boycott is an instrument of the powerless against the powerful, used by those without access to power mechanisms and who are therefore forced to organize voluntarily from the grassroots level. A boycott is a movement of ordinary people who refuse to support injustice and who use their right to choose as consumers in order to support – in this case – the Palestinian quest for freedom and justice, and in some cases, to express their opposition to the political positions of their governments and institutions.
It is about ordinary people around the world using their right to choose what they buy in order to help bring about an end to oppression.
2. Please explain the term "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)" and why against Israel?
On 9 July 2005 the Palestinian Unified Call for Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) against Israel was published. It has been endorsed by over 170 Palestinian parties, organizations, trade unions and movements representing the Palestinian people in the 1967 and 1948 territories.
It is a peaceful means of putting international pressure on the racist state of Israel and follows in the footsteps of the successful boycott against South African racist apartheid.
Israel destroys Palestinian lives, livelihoods and homes, refuses to stop building its illegal settlements and apartheid wall on stolen land, continues to control Gaza, denies Palestinian refugees their right to return, grows produce and sets up industrial zones on stolen Palestinian land, and operates an apartheid, racist system.
Despite the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling in 2004 that the Apartheid Wall is illegal, not a single government has acted to impose sanctions. As Governments have failed to hold Israel accountable, it is up to people of conscience in civil society worldwide to heed Palestinian calls for protection and justice.
One of the best strategies to end this bloody occupation is for Israel to become the target of the kind of global movement that put an end to apartheid in South Africa.
3. What are the objectives of the call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Against Israel?
• To reveal to the world the nature of Israel's occupation and apartheid regime;
• To give human rights a real value by making Israel accountable and forcing it to pay a price for its crimes and its blatant violation of Human Rights and International Law;
• To end international support for Israeli Occupation and Apartheid
These non-violent punitive measures will be maintained until Israel meets its obligation to recognize the Palestine people's inalienable right to self-determination and fully complies with the precepts of international law by:
a. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Apartheid Wall;
b. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality;
c. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.
4. Are Boycotts Legal?
Boycotts are legal under the common law. A boycott is a form of consumer activism, involving the act of voluntarily refusing to buy or handle (goods), or refusing to cooperate with or participate in (a policy or event) as an expression of protest. Boycotts are voluntary and non-violent.
5. Will the Boycott work? Are we strong enough to make it effective?
The Boycott Movement against South African Apartheid started in the late 1950s with small groups of activists and exiles in Britain and Sweden. It took decades, before it became a global movement. This movement helped led eventually and inevitably to the overthrow of apartheid in South Africa.
Our strength lies in unified and coordinated efforts that allow various initiatives to work together and reinforce each other, reaching out to all of our societies in order to effectively unmask Israel's apartheid policies and create popular pressure on our governments and enterprises to stop their support for Israel.
Below are some examples how BDS have made a difference in other parts of the world:
Case 1
In April 2009, Motorola Israel Ltd sold its Government Electronics Department, which made several products that enable Israel's military occupation of and human rights abuses against Palestinians, two days after a globally-coordinated day of action to promote campaigns of BDS against Israel and corporations that profit from its human rights abuses of Palestinians.
Case 2
In April 2009, Veolia reported to have lost contracts worth more than AUD7.5 billion. Rather than admit to the growing success of the BDS campaigns against it, Veolia claims its losses are a result of "business decisions". Veoliam, a French parent company, is working with another giant French transportation company, Alstom to build a light service between Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory and Connex will be operating it.
Case 3
In March 2009, the Swedish national pension fund AP7 (one of the most important investors in Sweden and well-known for its highly ethical profile) excludes Alstom from its portfolio because of the company's involvement in Israel's occupation of Palestinian land.
Case 4
In May 2009, Norway's largest labour union called for an international boycott to be imposed against Israel if Tel Aviv fails to reach a peace agreement with Palestinians.The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions that includes over a third of the country's employees has declared that the Israeli government should be held responsible for failing to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Case 5
In March 2009, the government of the United Kingdom decided to boycott Israeli diamond and real estate mogul Lev Leviev over his companies' construction of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land in the Occupied West Bank.
6. Will the Boycott not have negative impacts on the employees of these boycotted companies? Will it not hurt our economy?
An effective boycott will reduce the turnover and profit of the boycotted company if it refuses to adjust its policy with regards to Israel. Thus the employess will be affected if they choose to stay with the said company. It is a small price to pay if we believe in the cause.
However the business of alternative companies selling similar products will increase thus providing employment opportunities for those affected. Overall our economy is not hurt as the consumers still have the same spending power and will just switch to similar alternatives or different products.
7. Why only these companies? What about other companies or products that have presence in or business relationships with Israel?
We are initially targeting 4 consumer products companies which we believe contribute significantly to the Israeli economy. The BDS against Israel apartheid refers to all companies that are known to have direct business relationship with Israel.
8. Some of these companies are franchises and may well be operated as a separate entity with no profits being channeled back to the parent company. What justification do we have to boycott them especially since the majority of employees are Malaysian?
The fact is franchises do pay fees or royalty related to branding etc to the parent company. If the parent company has a share of the ownership as in the cases of McDonalds and Nestle, profits are repatriated back to the home country.
We choose to boycott as it keeps on the forefront of our mind the suffering of our Palestinian brothers and sisters and puts Palestine on top of our agenda. Our aim is for the boycott to weaken those who oppress Palestinians and make consumers aware of products which are unethically produced. Employees should be made aware of the facts regarding the companies they work for especially if these companies contribute to the Zionists who cruelly oppress the Palestinians and deprive them of their homeland.
b. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality;
c. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.
4. Are Boycotts Legal?
Boycotts are legal under the common law. A boycott is a form of consumer activism, involving the act of voluntarily refusing to buy or handle (goods), or refusing to cooperate with or participate in (a policy or event) as an expression of protest. Boycotts are voluntary and non-violent.
5. Will the Boycott work? Are we strong enough to make it effective?
The Boycott Movement against South African Apartheid started in the late 1950s with small groups of activists and exiles in Britain and Sweden. It took decades, before it became a global movement. This movement helped led eventually and inevitably to the overthrow of apartheid in South Africa.
Our strength lies in unified and coordinated efforts that allow various initiatives to work together and reinforce each other, reaching out to all of our societies in order to effectively unmask Israel's apartheid policies and create popular pressure on our governments and enterprises to stop their support for Israel.
Below are some examples how BDS have made a difference in other parts of the world:
Case 1
In April 2009, Motorola Israel Ltd sold its Government Electronics Department, which made several products that enable Israel's military occupation of and human rights abuses against Palestinians, two days after a globally-coordinated day of action to promote campaigns of BDS against Israel and corporations that profit from its human rights abuses of Palestinians.
Case 2
In April 2009, Veolia reported to have lost contracts worth more than AUD7.5 billion. Rather than admit to the growing success of the BDS campaigns against it, Veolia claims its losses are a result of "business decisions". Veoliam, a French parent company, is working with another giant French transportation company, Alstom to build a light service between Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory and Connex will be operating it.
Case 3
In March 2009, the Swedish national pension fund AP7 (one of the most important investors in Sweden and well-known for its highly ethical profile) excludes Alstom from its portfolio because of the company's involvement in Israel's occupation of Palestinian land.
Case 4
In May 2009, Norway's largest labour union called for an international boycott to be imposed against Israel if Tel Aviv fails to reach a peace agreement with Palestinians.The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions that includes over a third of the country's employees has declared that the Israeli government should be held responsible for failing to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Case 5
In March 2009, the government of the United Kingdom decided to boycott Israeli diamond and real estate mogul Lev Leviev over his companies' construction of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land in the Occupied West Bank.
6. Will the Boycott not have negative impacts on the employees of these boycotted companies? Will it not hurt our economy?
An effective boycott will reduce the turnover and profit of the boycotted company if it refuses to adjust its policy with regards to Israel. Thus the employess will be affected if they choose to stay with the said company. It is a small price to pay if we believe in the cause.
However the business of alternative companies selling similar products will increase thus providing employment opportunities for those affected. Overall our economy is not hurt as the consumers still have the same spending power and will just switch to similar alternatives or different products.
7. Why only these companies? What about other companies or products that have presence in or business relationships with Israel?
We are initially targeting 4 consumer products companies which we believe contribute significantly to the Israeli economy. The BDS against Israel apartheid refers to all companies that are known to have direct business relationship with Israel.
8. Some of these companies are franchises and may well be operated as a separate entity with no profits being channeled back to the parent company. What justification do we have to boycott them especially since the majority of employees are Malaysian?
The fact is franchises do pay fees or royalty related to branding etc to the parent company. If the parent company has a share of the ownership as in the cases of McDonalds and Nestle, profits are repatriated back to the home country.
We choose to boycott as it keeps on the forefront of our mind the suffering of our Palestinian brothers and sisters and puts Palestine on top of our agenda. Our aim is for the boycott to weaken those who oppress Palestinians and make consumers aware of products which are unethically produced. Employees should be made aware of the facts regarding the companies they work for especially if these companies contribute to the Zionists who cruelly oppress the Palestinians and deprive them of their homeland.
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